Saturday, January 29, 2011

I’m a pro.

If they had an Olympics for vomiting, I would totally dominate and win a gold medal. This week I actually threw up outside, and here is how it went down. When Abby takes care of business there is a solid 3 feet of snow and i generally just kick some snow to cover up the poo. This is an acceptable practice up here in Maine and everyone else does it too. So don’t judge me. On this particular day an employee that works on one of the floors of the building ( note- not someone that actually lives here) walked passed as abby was doing her business. They gave me the stink eye as I covered the poo. Thus leading me to feel guilty, and get a baggie to pick up the nasty. As i’m doing this, i’m gagging. I had not had a chance to eat breakfast yet. There was no hope. So there I was heaving, leaning over to the side of the sidewalk with Abby sitting there staring at me.

On Friday, hubs and I went to a ski resort around these parts. I being with child got to get a pedicure and a massage while Patrick “carved”/tumbled down the ski slopes. Just kidding, he is actually quite good. Did you know people pack their lunches to go to places like this? I just kinda thought Patrick was saving money by taking his lunch, but no wonder people don’t buy the food there. It was $15 for a small pizza, a power aid, and a brownie. But buying food makes me happy, so that is what i did. And before you go thinking to yourself “nice lunch Jennifer” I realize this is not in the least bit healthy. But I did walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes yesterday so that totally evens out.  So back to my theme of puking, I had to go to the bathroom after eating my fabulous lunch. This place stunk. horribly. as soon as I walked in the power aid started to come back up. But seeing how we had just paid $15 for that food, there was no way in hell it was ending up in a toilet, or on the floor for that matter. Through will power I talked the baby into letting me hold on to my lunch. That and I just sort of ran out of the bathroom…

Other that that, things have been going well. I have only called the doctor twice asking stupid questions. They are always so nice about it, not making me feel like an idiot when I have questions like… “is it OK that I can feel my uterus?” and “ I petted a cat, is that OK”.. well I didn’t get to ask the doctor/nurse the cat question but through some internet stalking I have decided that it is in fact ok. I just couldn’t make myself call the hospital two times in one day.

weight gain- yes,duh. I’m growing an infant.

maternity clothes- that’s a yes! I may never go back to normal clothes. Elastic waist bands should be the standard on all women’s clothing. imagine how much happier we would all be. I say we start a petition, who wants to join in?

cravings- yes. anything that isn't good for me. in particular, egg and cheese biscuits from McDonalds. yum.

sleep- Besides having to pee during the night, yay for that! I sleep pretty well. except when I have dreams that I am late for work, which happens quite often. I would have sworn that my phone rang and someone was telling me I was late for work at the nursing home. I completely made this up. in the middle of the night.

movement- Yep! well, i think anyways. It could very well be gas. But i asked the doctor, and he told me that it was totally possible i was feeling the baby move. He said “ its totally possible, since you are thin,” in which my response was “bless you!” and then I stopped listening. He’s a smart man.

Best moment of the week: while waiting on my gold-encrusted pizza from the ski resort Patrick rubbed my tummy and said “ its starting to poke out”. I love this for 2 reasons. 1- it was really sweet of him. 2- it let other people know, that I am in fact pregnant not just “unfortunately fat” as I have been calling it.

What I am looking forward to- actually feeling movement all the time. I think that would help me feel, that things are ok. Since it would be a constant reminder that the baby is growing and moving around like it should be.

here are a few pictures from our ski-day:

ski couple People will in fact stare at you if you are wearing jeans and at a ski resort.

hubs hubs the snowboarder. CIMG2921 look at the “slopes” in the background.

Patrick is making me say “look at the sweet cord”… whatever that means.

CIMG2923 This is what it would have looked like from the summit of the mountain. If I had gotten to go. But i had to get a pedicure instead. I made the right choice.

1 comment:

  1. YAY! Glad everything is going well! I check about everyday for your updated blog!! So excited for the baby seeeeeesster!!!!
