Tuesday, July 27, 2010

part time is better than no time

For Melissas classroom Baby Shower for Erica

Ms. Massee Claires baby shower

So, I am employed! Assuming I pass the most intense background check in history. I got a part time job at a nursing home, working 2 days a week. My kind of employment. I realize that only 4 people read this thing, but in an attempt to pay back student loans i'm trying to use the few skills that I have. For those of you who know me, I love decorating for any type of party. In fact I got a little carried away in May when I helped throw a baby shower for a friend. I also made a few decorations for my friend who is hosting a baby shower this weekend. Most recently I made some materials for the BFF's classroom So this got me thinking, maybe someone would be willing to pay me for this stuff. I really like doing it, and being creative is always fun. So for $2.00 a letter which will help cover the costs I am officially pimping myself out on the internets. I also started an ETSY page, it is JpaCreations. So if you, or anyone you know needs decorations for any type of party, or for their class room, or whatever pass along my info!
ok- I realize that the pictures are
a. out of order from what i explained.
b. sideways
I have been trying for the last 1hour and 22 minutes ( courtesy of netflix and watching A league of their own, great movie btw) to get this to load the proper way. I even tried to download windows live writer, suggested by the BFF to get this to work. After 3 failed attempts at downloading i give up. I give up, and you will just have to turn your computer sideways. I am officially sweating from frustration and I am about to throw my computer out the window...I wonder if the warranty covers that.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Get ready!

I am so excited because my friend Courtney got engaged this weekend. I cant wait for all of the wedding festivities to begin, and I am even more excited to be a bridesmaid. Thanks Court, can't wait!

Congrats Courtney and Josh!!

P.s.- I figured the St. Patty's picture was appropriate since y'all will be having a March wedding and a St. Patty's bachelorette weekend!

Friday, July 23, 2010


This is the gym that I recently joined. Yes, I actually pay to use this facility. Being creative like most Mainers, they have turned this building into a gym/night club/physical therapy center/indoor tennis facility. Whoever comes to visit us in this fine town will be joining me at the night club, I need to see what this place has to offer. Im pretty sure the room where I do my group exercise classes doubles as the dance floor complete with strobe lights.

I wish I was joking...

I need a J.O.B.

Its a rough life

Abbys new winter jacket.

Things I have decided this week:

1.I should stop treating my dog like a child, these pictures below will give an account of what a week is like in the life of princess abbylicious of augustus.

2.Maine drivers enjoy flicking people off, while merging onto the highway.

3. I should suck it up and not cry when the movie theater tells you that your gift cards expired THE. DAY. BEFORE. Also, $7.00 is just ridiculous for a movie. You should walk away from the 72 year old woman selling tickets with your head held high when you refuse to pay that much.

4. When I get old I need to be in a nursing home that allows alcohol. At my job interview yesterday the nurse manager told me that the residents can drink, if they have a prescription from the doctor. I thought this was awesome.

5.Funky Dunky is the best OPI nail polish color ever.

6.Netflix streaming is the best invention ever. This week I enjoyed "Forrest Gump", "Fried Green Tomatoes" and "St. Elmos Fire". Via regular netflix I watched "G.I Joe, Return of the Cobra "(or whatever its called). A truly Oscar winning performance by Channing Tatum, really he should just stand there and not speak.

7. Going back to dorm style laundry is not fun after having your own beautiful Whirlpool washer and dryer for 3 years. Other peoples dryer lint makes me want to vomit. Wtf do these people put in the dryer?? And WHY do I have to scrape it off of the vent thing?

8. That is all for now. We are going to Camden, ME today. A coastal town that should have some fun stuff to do. of course, the pup will be joining us! But for now, here are some pictures of our deprived pup.

Abby goes outside to play with friends, and finds the only mud puddle to lay in. This is her guilty face. Please note the mud smear on the side of the tub.
We go get ice cream and obviously Abby gets one too.
ps- So i spent hours trying to figure out the formatting for this stupid thing, it wouldn't let me put the pictures where i want them. How do all you blog people out there make your blogs cute? I'm over this current background, and layout. Please help! Im willing to pay a little bit of money to make this more functional/cute. This is beginning to drive me crazy.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Celebrating the 4th

To celebrate the 4th of July we headed into Boston. After dropping off Abby at Doggy Day Care which was totally traumatic, we headed off on our road trip. We had found a place in Augusta, Ga that was awesome for boarding the pup. I thought I had found a place here that I liked, but that opinion quickly changed. The owner thought she was gods gift to dog boarding, which couldn't have been further from the truth. They didn't allow the dogs to bark and sprayed them with water bottles, in their little faces if they didn't obey or barked. So naturally I freaked out and worried about Abby all weekend. I had visions of her in a little cage getting squirted in the face. Ok, I realize that this wouldn't have killed her but still I wasnt a fan of the whole situation.Then when we got there to pick her up on Monday they had lost her freaking bone. Again, not a big deal but they could have been a little more sympathetic. So we won't be returning to that fine establishment.
Ok, that was all beside the point. We had a fabulous time in Boston visiting with the brother and sister-in-law.We got in late Saturday night and enjoyed some dinner, a case of beer, and watched some "East Bound and Down" compliments of our Netflix. Sunday we got up and headed over to Fenway to watch the Red Sox lose. Yes, I typed that correctly. It was still fun though, and very patriotic. After enjoying the game we walked back to the apartment, all 28988 miles. Ok, it wasnt that far but it was far enough that we had to stop at a gas station to rehydrate. We showered, repacked and headed out to watch fireworks and listen to the Boston Pops. We got there early enough to get good seats and thank goodness because it got really busy really quickly. Soon enough we were surrounded by japanese tourists (all wearing matching bright yellow t-shirts) and all sorts of other people who wern't speaking english. After another case of beer and some mexican takeout this irony struck me. Here we are on the 4th of July surrounded by people who may or maynot be legal residents. but, whatever....The fireworks were awesome and we had a good time. We packed up and walked back home another 938498 miles, again stopping to rehydrate, lindsey read some magazines and I got some snowcaps. We got up early the next day to go pick up the dog, because I was convinced she was traped in a cage getting squirted in the face...Her face was wet when we picked her up. As soon as I find the other camera Ill get to the posting about paddling down the river, lost, with a dog, in an inflatable kayak.