Thursday, February 17, 2011

It might be a bad thing if…

Is it a bad thing if your doctor tells you, “you should stay pregnant forever so you can keep entertaining me.” I can’t decide. I’m sure they talk about me when I leave that office. But the way I look at it, I cant be the worse patient they have and hopefully they think I am funny crazy not like crazy, crazy.

So our appointment went well yesterday. The nurse practitioner answered a bunch of my questions, regarding how things work at a rural hospital. I have been concerned about delivering at the hospital where my doctors are located. There is not staff in hospital 24 hours a day who can do c-sections, the doctors have to drive in if the need arrives. I was told they can be there within 15 minutes but that seems like a long time. There are no pediatricians or NICU staff on site if they baby has respiratory issues or needs resuscitation. Whoever is on call will be the one to deliver the baby, and that ranges from a doctor, to a nurse practitioner who will be just starting to deliver babies. I’m thinking we will be changing hospitals, we just need to make a decision… Patrick thinks i’m slightly neurotic and crazy, but like he said yesterday, he just doesn’t know what kind of questions need to be asked. Where I, thanks to nursing school am aware of all the things that can go wrong.

I get my 20 week ultrasound next Thursday, when my mom will be here! This would be where we would see the sex of the baby, but we are going to stay strong and not find out if little Homozel is a girl or a boy.  I just want to know that everything is ok, and the little tike is happy and healthy. According to the doppler yesterday the heart rate is 160 and we have a very active little baby on our hands. You can hear swishing movements and thats the baby just kinda floating and moving around. I can occasionally feel these movements, some days more than others, but i do enjoy feeling movement it lets me know things are ok.

How far am I : 18 weeks 5 days today!

weight gain- sure, but only 2lbs more than last time I was there, yay for that! and my pants still fit.well, my maternity pants still fit.

movement: yes! most days i feel at least something, but its not very consistent. The NP said yesterday that they don’t worry about kick counts until around 28 weeks.

cravings: nothing in particular right now, but i could always go for pizza. Last week I would have killed someone for waffle house, or just anywhere that serves pancakes during the day. I was almost in tears because there was no where to eat pancakes.

Names: we cannot decide, and probably wont decide until this little baby comes out. Although I did pick out a coming home outfit if it happens to be a girl. Did you know they make newborn little white shorts. I could die they are so cute.

nausea: It has been soooo much better. Although Abby has had a bit of a tummy ache recently and pooped in the bedroom yesterday. I gagged while cleaning that up. Patrick was holding a shirt over my face as a mask, it was a site to see.

sleeping: still sleeping ok, nothing out of the usual for me. I always wake up thinking I have missed the alarm.

I think thats about it for now, i cant thing of anything else really interesting to share. Anyone have and questions? just leave a comment.

I like dogs, I just don’t like their owners

I have a hard time understanding how some people survive as long as they do. Most specifically, people who I am fortunate enough to share my apartment building with. A few weeks ago as I am doing laundry a woman walks in behind me, stands too close to me, and then proceeds to pull her laundry out of garbage bags and use the machines as I pull my clothes out. This is a problem for a few reasons.

a- she reeks of cigarettes and booze, in the middle of the day. To my Georgia people, think of what you smelled like leaving downtown freshman year, before the no-smoking deal started.

b-she was burping, loudly, as I am pulling my clothes out of the washer.


d-I have to eventually wash my babies clothes in these washers, and i am fairly certain her clothes carry diseases.

I have no idea who this woman is and why she was using our washer and dryer. I did what any sane person would do, I walked back to my apartment and called Patrick immediately and freaked out. Why is this homeless person in our building and why are they doing laundry? I wanted him to fix it immediately. From work.

Fast forward to this morning. I am in the elevator and here comes my laundry partner. Walking another one of our neighbors dogs. I guess they have a dog walker, and i guess she uses our facilities while she creeps around our building all day.

Here is where another issues arises. If your dog sucks and they are mean, stay away from me and my sweet puppy. Do not ask me to hold the elevator and then spend the five flight trip down wrestling the dog, saying “ she just has so much energy”. No she is crazy and she looks like she wants to bite me. Then when I am trying to walk back to the building after letting my dog go to the bathroom, STAY AWAY from me. Its like people here have no social skills, i should hold classes on how to be a human. I think that would be helpful. Of course I would have to give out cigarettes as door prizes to tempt people to come, but it just might work.

Last night as I am coming back from Subway and the grocery store where I purchased a foot long veggie sub, baked sour cream and cheddar chips, and peanut butter. Don’t judge me, I’m pregnant. I had another run in with a dog in the elevator. Abby my car riding partner and I were in the elevator, and the doors opened on our floor. As soon as the doors open, here comes this little shit of a dog who always barks and snips at Abby. Not on a leash, sprinting down the hall. She gets into the elevator, and starts to “attack” Abby. So i kinda toss this little dog up against the wall, all the while trying to keep Abby away from her and not get bit myself. Then the elevator door closes, and here I am with grocery bags, a purse, an 80lb golden retriever, and this little dog who i would love to punt across the hall. The owner finally makes it down the hall and the doors open, she picks up her dog and Abby growls at the dog almost knocking me down in her attempt to get away. The woman looks at Abby and says “whoa!!”… I wanted to punch her in the face.  So i say, “well, your dog just attacked her.” and got out of the elevator, pissed not even looking at this woman. Had this been the first time with this dog, it would be one thing. But this little dog is always on a retractable leash, fully out at 7 ft and she always barks and snips at Abby and the owner just kinda says, oh stop it. Hey, dumbass get your freaking dog under control. My dog is cowering against the wall. Again, i rush down the hall to home and start reliving the event with Patrick. He is pissed, and lord knows what he will do when he sees that woman and her dog again. He is already rude enough to her because he disagrees with her dog handling skills and choices. I wonder why we only have one set of friends here at this apartment, mostly because we dislike everyone else that lives here.