For Melissas classroom Baby Shower for Erica
Ms. Massee Claires baby shower
Ms. Massee Claires baby shower
So, I am employed! Assuming I pass the most intense background check in history. I got a part time job at a nursing home, working 2 days a week. My kind of employment. I realize that only 4 people read this thing, but in an attempt to pay back student loans i'm trying to use the few skills that I have. For those of you who know me, I love decorating for any type of party. In fact I got a little carried away in May when I helped throw a baby shower for a friend. I also made a few decorations for my friend who is hosting a baby shower this weekend. Most recently I made some materials for the BFF's classroom So this got me thinking, maybe someone would be willing to pay me for this stuff. I really like doing it, and being creative is always fun. So for $2.00 a letter which will help cover the costs I am officially pimping myself out on the internets. I also started an ETSY page, it is JpaCreations. So if you, or anyone you know needs decorations for any type of party, or for their class room, or whatever pass along my info!
ok- I realize that the pictures are
a. out of order from what i explained.
b. sideways
I have been trying for the last 1hour and 22 minutes ( courtesy of netflix and watching A league of their own, great movie btw) to get this to load the proper way. I even tried to download windows live writer, suggested by the BFF to get this to work. After 3 failed attempts at downloading i give up. I give up, and you will just have to turn your computer sideways. I am officially sweating from frustration and I am about to throw my computer out the window...I wonder if the warranty covers that.